
We Believe People Create All Value

We reinvest it in our planet.

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Green Arrow

Earth’s biodiversity inspires all of us at Enveda. That’s why our pledge to equitably share the benefits of biological resource use is an ethical foundation of our company. We are deeply committed to compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol, and to the rights of countries, local communities, and indigenous peoples to their plant resources.  

Together with our partners, we are dedicated to applying our research and development capabilities in a sustainable manner. Please contact us to learn more about how we develop solutions to today’s biggest health care challenges while ensuring the conservation, sustainable use, and the just sharing of the benefits from Earth’s biodiversity.


Our purpose

Old woman

Our purpose

To Deliver Hope To Every Patient

Medicines deliver not just care, but hope. Millions of patient—maybe you’re one–battle on bravely, waiting for a treatment, for a chance at restored health and a normal, fulfilled life. At Enveda, we rise every morning to ensure that soon, patients and their families–all of us–will always have hope.


Our vision


Our vision

To Decode The Chemical Basis Of Life On Planet Earth

At Enveda, our drug discovery team of biologists, chemists, bioinformaticians, and data scientists spans three continents and six time zones. We’re all united by a common vision: decoding the chemical basis of life on planet Earth. We know that as we continue to progress towards our vision, we will unlock unprecedented impact across human and planetary health.


Our team

Leadership Team

Vanitha Sekar

Chief Business Officer

Valerie Pearce

Vice President, Software Engineering

Tom Butler

Vice President, Machine Learning

Sotirios Karanthanasis

Chief Science Officer

Robert Buckley

Chief People Officer

Peter Germano

Vice President, Non-Clinical Development

Marvin Yu

Vice President Platform Chemistry

Mark Deeg

Chief Medical Officer

Kendra Hightower

Vice President, Biology

Joe Rokicki

Chief Technology Officer

Hannah Gordon

Vice President, Product

Eswar Bonangi

Vice President, Head of India Operations

David Healey

Vice President, Data Science

Dan Wee

Chief of Staff

Bryan Norman

Senior Vice President, Chemistry

August Allen

Chief Platform Officer

Viswa Colluru

Founder CEO

PK Jadhav

Senior Vice President | Discovery Chemistry

Pieter Dorrestein, Ph.D.

Scientific Co-Founder & SAB Chair | UC San Diego

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Investors & Advisors

We are proud to have elite industry, financial, and strategic expertise in our corner. From investors in iconic companies to architects of mega research and development deals, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with the best every day.

Yury Popov, Ph.D., M.D.

Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Richard Vlevitch, Ph.D.

Professor of Immunology, Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Immunology | The Scripps Research Institute

Ryan Shenvi, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Chemistry - Professor, Department of Chemistry | The Scripps Research Institute

Ben Cravatt, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Chemistry | The Scripps Research Institute

Pieter Dorrestein, Ph.D.

Scientific Co-Founder & SAB Chair | UC San Diego

Chris Gibson, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO | Recursion

Martin Brenner, Ph.D.

Former Executive Director, NASH | Merck & Co.

Kevin Lynch, Ph.D.

Former Vice President, Search & Evaluation | Abbvie

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Backed By The Best

We’re proudly backed by some of the world’s leading investors that believe in the long-term, world-changing potential of our technologies.


Change the future with us

We are proud to have elite industry, financial, and strategic expertise in our corner. From investors in iconic companies to architects of mega research and development deals, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with the best every day.

Join the tribe